Business insurance for copywriters

Copywriter insurance may provide welcome backing if your usually first-rate content misses the mark.

When you work solo, the financial consequences can fall to you. You might fail to meet a deadline or receive blame for a ranking decline. A new employee could become injured, or someone could trip over your bag while you’re waiting to deliver a pitch.

Tailoring a business insurance policy to your work as a copywriter can help mitigate the cost of these risks.


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Why choose Hiscox for copywriter insurance?


Up to £25k in support

Hiscox business insurance customers can access support worth up to £25k from PR, legal and social media experts


Rectify mistakes

You always take great care, but if a typo is spotted in your content, copywriter insurance can help pay to put this right 


Efficient processes

Online notification of claims allows you to spend less time on the phone and more time writing great copy

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Why do copywriters need insurance?

Plagiarism accusation

As a proud wordsmith, you always carefully research your subject and strive to write unique copy. However, when a client’s competitor says the informational website copy you’ve written has been lifted from theirs, your reputation and finances are on the line. You offer a professional service to your clients, so having professional indemnity insurance as part of your copywriter policy can help to defend your name in court. The cover can also assist with the financial burden of settling a plagiarism case.

Employee accident

The busier your copywriting business becomes, the more help you need to deliver to brief and deadline. You employ another copywriter to assist you part-time. Unfortunately, the chair you provide for their workspace collapses as they sit down one day, resulting in a back injury. As this leaves them unable to work, they decide to level a claim against you for damages. The support of employers’ liability insurance within your copywriter policy can help with paying for legal defence and for compensation pay-outs.

Client injury

Your role involves meetings in various locations and you often welcome clients to your premises for updates. During one client visit, you forget the delivery of new office furniture sitting in the hallway of your building. Unfortunately, your client spots it too late and knocks into the boxes, resulting in a fall and head injury. Should the affected client choose to make a claim, public liability insurance can step in to assist with legal costs and resulting compensation payments.

What insurance is available for copywriters?

A copywriter may build other covers into their policy, including legal protection, cyber and data cover and personal accident insurance.

Easy to arrange, comprehensive cover
Timothy John Salmon
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Insurance for copywriters: FAQs

How much is copywriter insurance?

How much your copywriter insurance costs will depend on the type and number of covers you add to your policy.

The overall price of your policy will also rely on the size of your business, the kind of copywriting contracts you take on and where you carry out your work.

However, it may be a helpful benchmark for you to know that small business insurance quotes from Hiscox start at £8.40 a month*.

*Figures based on an average of all business insurance policies sold to at least 10% of our customer base between February 2024 and February 2025

What insurance do I need for working in an agency?

If you’re freelancing or working for an agency as a copywriter on a contract basis, you may need to check the details of your insurance with them to understand your cover needs.

Once you have this information, you can then tailor a policy based on what you may not be covered for by the company. The agency role is potentially not the only work you service either – do you pick up editing jobs or help a local business with their website content, for instance?

Having a business insurance policy to cover all your activities may offer a self-employed professional the reassurance they need to create sharp copy.

How much professional indemnity insurance do I need?

How much professional indemnity insurance a copywriter might need could depend on how much it could cost to defend or settle a mistake in your work.

Professional indemnity insurance includes the following:

  • Professional negligence or a breach of a duty of care
  • Negligent misstatement or misrepresentation
  • Defamation
  • Breach of confidence
  • Breach of copyright
  • Lost or damaged documents

It may be prudent to consider each risk area before setting your policy limit. The limit refers to the highest amount we could pay – checking project values and the particulars in your contracts can give you an idea of the scale of a potential claim.


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