When you get a quote for home insurance, you may be asked to specify a rebuild cost for your property. This means the cost to completely rebuild your home, including materials and labour. This will vary according to the size, age and type of property you have. If you recently purchased the property, an up to date rebuild cost will be detailed in the deeds or survey. If you don’t have this information, there are other ways of finding out.

For approximately £200, a chartered surveyor will do detailed measurements of your home and then produce a professional rebuilding cost assessment. You should consider employing a surveyor to get the most accurate rebuild cost.

For flats and maisonettes, we recommend that you employ a chartered surveyor. If you have a leasehold property, check your contract to see if building insurance is in place.

You can also calculate the rebuild cost by using The Association of British Insurers, which offers free access to their buildings rebuild cost calculator. Register to access the rebuild calculator (external link)

You will need to measure all floors in the property (in feet or metres). If each floor is of a different size, these areas will need to be calculated separately. After entering this information and answering other questions, the calculator will produce an approximate rebuild cost.

This rebuild calculator can be used for: 

  • Detached homes
  • Semi-detached homes
  • Terraced homes
  • Detached bungalows
  • Semi-detached bungalows

The guidance figures the rebuild calculator provides are based on specific examples of five different house types of average quality, built using standard construction methods. To ensure your property complies please visit the ABI’s website (external link).

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To help make sure you're never underinsured, our new home insurance provides unlimited cover. This means that whatever your rebuild cost is on the date of loss, you'll be covered for it – regardless of how much your home may have increased in value since you took out your policy. For certain claims, such as tracing and repairing a leak, there's a maximum amount we'd pay. However, the cover we provide is still higher than most other home insurance policies. Visit our cover details page to learn more.

When you apply for a quote, we'll ask you some questions to calculate a rebuild value on which your quote will be based. This will ensure you are not paying for unnecessary cover, but you'll have adequate cover if you need to make a claim.

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  • Accidental damage for buildings and contents included as standard
  • Dedicated claims handler assigned to all home insurance claims as standard
  • Award-winning claims service

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Our guide to buildings insurance

Our guide to buildings insurance

We highlight the top six areas for consideration.